12 septembre 2011
7 avril 2008
Hannah Stouffer

When she's not working for high profile clients such as Coca Cola and the New York Time, Hannah Stouffer does really nice prints. Entitled "Smoke Diamond" this 9x12 print is a nice example of Hannah's work. The mix of vintage ornemantation with contaporary elements is a recurrent theme in both her personnal and commercial work. Find out more about her... here!
3 avril 2008
Yeti Over Mount Fuji HK

Phil Ashcroft, alias PhlAsh, nous propose une version rare de sa célèbre pièce «Yeti Over Mount Fuji» Disponible en plusieurs version sur son site web. Ashcroft est un artiste établie depuis un certain temps, fort de plusieurs exposition en solo, il en compte plus de 7 au cours des 10 dernières années. Notamment Duel, Bedford Hill Gallery, London (1998), Toxic Landscapes, I Love...Art Gallery, Brussels (2003) et plus récemment PhlAsh, Magma, Manchester (2007).
D'autre version de Yeti Over Mount Fuji sont disponible à la galerie Lab 101, faite vite !!!
1 avril 2008
Baxter Does It Again!

Print Screen favorite, the very prolific Baxter Orr , is back again with a new print! Based on is signature print "Protect Yourself", this new 1 color 18x22 silkscreen integrate the over famous Obey logo. Coming from a open edition, this print is signed, and stamped at the back by Baxter Orr. Get your great Obey pastiche, or as Baxter would say " a re-ingeneering of Sheppard Fairey's icon", for 25$ by clicking here!
27 mars 2008
M-city, Bomb

M-city, nous offre une superbe sérigraphie chez Handmade Poster ! Une playade de stencils sont utilisé pour créer c'est agencement complexe d'immeuble et de structure. On y reconnait un style dure et sombre typique du neo-constructivisme, ce qui produit un impact visuel encore plus puissant.
Cette magnifique sérigraphie mesure 70 x 50 cm, sur papier Conqueror Conoisseur Soft White 300gsm, un couleur (noir) et est éditée en 150 copies. Elle se détail à 90£ ($181 US).
25 mars 2008
Birth de Yuri Shimojo

Une magnifique pièce est disponible à la galerie Black Market (blkmrkt), par Yuri Shimojo. Il sagit d'une sérigraphie de 2 couleur (noir et rouge), 24" x 18 pouces sur papier japonais de type «archive», éditée en 50 copies à 220$ US. On observe dans sont style des influences traditionnelles japonnaises et un style contemporain plus «occidental».
Yuri a publié pusieurs livres d'art telleque: Vagabonds (2001), Chiisana Rakugaki~Tiny Scribble (1997) ainsi qu'une autobiographie publié en 2007.
Jordan Crane New Print!
Is it a last chance mixtape for the future ex-loved one? Or a tribute to Aerosmith, The door, Ac/Dc or Muddy Waters? We Dont' know. But we know that Jordan Crane as a new print! "Baby Please Don't Go" is a big signed and numbered 26x40 four colors silk screen. Jordan Crane patiently hand pulled this very fine edition of 160 prints. You can purchase it on his Red Ink Like Blood website!
24 mars 2008
Mark Brabant

Mark Brabant's website, Hovering Object bear its name well . Things happening in the air, and "identified" flying objects, are the prevailing themes in Brabant prints production. His latest is no eception! Like an urban poem, this cool signed and numbered 18x24 seven color (edition of 160 )screen print is available along side other prints right here!
22 mars 2008
Artkitip New Edition

19 mars 2008
Baxter Orr Again!

Here's a nice example of satyre in art. Some people can find this funny, other not. Baxter Orr is not just making reference to Barak Obama's past, he also makes reference to the 2 poster by Shepard Fairey made tu support Obama, Hope and Change. We dont know Orr's political color, but he shure knew how to use the 3 ones that went on this 18x24 signed and numbered silkscreen. You can pre-order one of the 300 prints available early april... right here! Obama bumayé!
17 mars 2008
New Print Section @ Poketo!

Founded by Ted Vadakan and Angie Myung, Poketo started by selling artist desingned wallets as promotionnal tools, and also for the purpose of bringing art in the every day life. Relying on a strong network of over 100 international artists they also offer artist designed T-shirts, bags, homeware, accessories. The next logical step was prints. They took it by organizing a show called "first edition" (march 22), and by opening a new print section on their website. To celebrate the event, they are pre-releasing 2 prints! This 8x10 edition of 100 letterpressed print, created by internationaly aclaimed artist collective Little friend of print making and entitled "Cosmic Drawer" is one of them, and is available now! . Be shure to check them out in the course of the next few months because they will be releasing a limited edition prints at 10am every Monday morning that can only be puchased on Poketo's site!
16 mars 2008
The Print Screen-O-Rama

We at The Printscreen decided to add a visual section to our blog. A place where you will see how printmaking is done,and have an exclusive look inside the mind of the artists who creates them, as well as peak of the environment in wich they work. Patiently reserched and carrefully chosen in YouTube, theses clips truly are an exceptionnal ressource for a better understanding of art and the creative process that lead to it!
Nous avons décidés d'ajouter une section visuelle à notre blog! Vous pourrez y voir et comprendre les méthodes de fabrication des sérigraphies, et, par la même occasion, avoir une fenêtre ouverte sur l'esprit de leurs créateur, tout en ayant un appercu de leurs environnement de travail. Patiemment recherchés et judicieusement choisis sur YouTube, ces clips s'averent une ressource exemptionnelle pour mieux comprendre l'art et les processus créatifs qui y mène!
11 mars 2008
Bruno 9li

Brazil's rising star Bruno 9li created a whole universe using only ink and marker pens. Like an alchimist of geometry, he elaborates complex characters and animals all trapped in a dreamlike metaphysical world. The blend of japanese influences and the strange carnival feel of this print is a superb examble of 9li's mystical work. Entitled "Slove et Coagula" this 3 color screen print mesure 20x28 and is signed and numbered in a edition of 150. This piece of Bruno 9li's mind is brought to us by a partnership betwen the always tasteful and brilliant peoples at Choque Cultural (brazil & Uk), and San Jose (california) urban contempory art gallery Anno Domini. You can find this amizing print @ the Choque Cultural Webstore fruit of the collaboration betwen Choque, and prolific artist/author and street art expert Tristan Manco. In these hands you cant' go wrong!
8 mars 2008
Elvis a quitté l’édifice !!

Baxter Orr nous propose deux nouvelles pièces. ELVIS in Gunmetal! (à gauche, 16” x 20 ” sur papier blanc archive, 4 couleurs sérigraphiées) et ELVIS in Pink! (à droite… évidemment ! 16” x 20 ” sur papier blanc archive, 3 couleurs) elles seront misent en vente le 11 mars 2008. Toutes deux seront produites en édition de 77 copies, pour commémorer le 30e anniversaire de la mort du King en 1977.
Ce jeune artiste basé à Austin, Texas, ne cesse de s’améliorer; son style à la fois épurer et ironique évolue de pièces en pièces. Les traits larges et l’absence de détails superflus laisse transpirer un esprit rebelle et iconoclaste. Il travaille présentement à l’élaboration d’une série qui devrait s’intituler PROTECT YOURSELF-ICONS, je suis impatient de voir ce que l’ami Baxter nous réserve !
7 mars 2008
Matsuyama's Secret Stash Of Prints @ Arkitip!

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